
Jul 10, 2012

Web Head Love!

Hey, have you watched the recent Spider-Man movie? The "Amazing" one?

Yes? No?

I really wanted to watch this movie because it features my favourite leading lady: Gwen Stacy!

What's that? There was a Gwen Stacy character before this? Yeah, but that Gwen was all wrong! I hated Mary Jane (sorry, MJ fans!) because... well, I feel she is just too shallow. The one Gwen Stacy storyline that had a great impact on me was during Marvels #4, drawn by  the great Alex Ross and story by Kurt Busiek.

I cried reading that issue.

Oh yes, the movie. The movie is AMAZING!

You never realized you had a desire to web-swing like Spidey until you watched this movie! Do try to watch it in 3D if you can! It works!

I don't want to give out any spoilers, but the canon still hold true in this story. Keep in mind that this is the one character that Marvel loves to "torture". Yes, Marvel, I said it. I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to Scarlet Spider and Ben Reilly.

Tragedy will always follow Peter. ALWAYS.

I say it again, go and enjoy the movie! To commemorate the awesomeness of Peter Parker a.k.a Spidey, here's a fanart I made of Peter and Gwen.
"Mary Jane falls in love with Spider-Man. Gwen Stacy falls in love with PETER PARKER."
- Emma Stone

Love from, Your Friendly Neighbourhood Munya! :3

May 25, 2012


It's my birthday!!!

Also, TGIF!!!

I don't care how old I get every year, I still LOVE my birthday!

Thank you for the birthday wishes everyone! <3 I love you all!

White cat: Edward, orange cat: Bulu, dark brown dog: Julian, light brown dog: Fefanie

Here's a picture of me having a blast with the animals in Munya-Munya! (In reality, I'm actually having coughs and sniffles... *sniff sniff* Hahaha, Oh well.)

Happy birthday to me and to you too if it happens to be yours too :D *hugs*

Have a nice day everynyan! *ACHOO!!!*

Apr 29, 2012

Badi & Jabba Get Married!

I'm going for a good friend's wedding today! His name is Badi, and he's marrying a beautiful Iban lady named Jabba! (Absolutely no relation to Star Wars here!) <3

I made this drawing to celebrate their nuptials! Sorry if I got the details on the costumes wrong ^^;;
I managed to finish this on the correct date! :D Their wedding will start... 30 minutes after this, at 6 p.m! Eek!
O my Lord!  O my Lord!  These two bright orbs are wedded in Thy love, conjoined in servitude to Thy Holy Threshold, united in ministering to thy Cause.  Make Thou this marriage to be as threading lights of Thine abounding grace, O my Lord, the All-Merciful, and luminous rays of Thy bestowals, O Thou the Beneficent, the Ever-Giving, that there may branch out from this great tree boughs that will grow green and flourishing through the gifts that rain down from Thy clouds of grace.

Verily, Thou art the Generous.
Verily, Thou art the Compassionate, the All-Merciful.

May the both of you be happy and blessed in each other's love! Good luck. you two! Congratulations!

P.S: I'm soooo gonna be late! >.<

Mar 14, 2012

Dance, Cherane, Dance!

This post...requires no words. But you do need music. Clicky here for the Can Can Song! Enjoy! :D

Thank you! :D

Jan 13, 2012

PART 4: The Finale!

When I opened that door... Holy Mother of...!!!!

Later that day, after bowls of cat food and a marathon of Chi’s Sweet Home... 

Now, it's WAR!!!

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed the Bulu series! :D

Last year, a bunch of Malaysian comic & doodle bloggers decided to come together and make THIS:

Clicky the pic for a hi-res version!

The idea was for a New Year special. Since 2012 is the Year of the Dragon (according to the Chinese calendar) and the end of the world (according to the Mayan calendar), the theme of this collaboration  revolves around a group of maniacs (the Doom Bringers; DB. ehe!) who wants to destroy Earth, and a group of angels (The Protectors of Earth; P.o.E) who are trying to put a stop to this nefarious plan.
As you can see, Bulu is one of the angels.

Bulu: Nyaaaa!!!

Oh sorry, Bulu and his friends. (Only because there were too little good guys at the time…)

...okay, okay! It’s because Bulu is a nice guy. :P

This was supposed to be up last December; hence the Christmas scene in Part 3. I think I’m the last to put it up huhuhuhu... T-T

If you want, you can build your own Kitten Army by downloading this handy dandy zip file containing each of the kitties in PNG format. You can copy each of the kitties (and the bombs!) and paste then infinitely, at your own pleasure! :D

But please, be kind and don’t misuse the pics, i.e. by selling the pics, or taking credit for them. If you made your kitten army, share your work here on my Facebook page or put your links here in the comments section. I’d love to see them!

I’d like to thank these bunch of people here....

The Doom Bringers (Left Side)
1. Ernest Ng (
2. Aujinz (
3. syuthekitteh (
4. Miss Morbids (
5. Miao&WafuPafu (
6. UTAR Boy (
7. Pauline Low (
8. Robin (
9.The Sharkox (

The Protector of Earth (Right Side)
1. Amin Aizuddin (
2. Egg&Yolk (
3. Kendy's life a.k.a house88kend (
4. A Medical Student Life Told in Comics (
5. cheeChingy (
6. Bolehland (
7. SE (
8. Dorky Guy (
9. Kyoru ( <---- This guy made the cool videos!
10. SayaDoodle (
11. Pek Chek Kia (

...for a wonderful experience. Let’s do more collaborations in the future, guys! \o/ Go go check them all out!

Even more thanks and love to ALL my readers, who have been very patient with Bulu's antics (and mine!) these past few days.

I’d also like to thank three men who helped me with this series: Saiful and Sabri, who let me use their mobile broadband for an insane amount of time to upload these pictures, and Ganaesh <3 , who reviewed and edited everything!

I learned two things from doing this project:
    1. It is possible to post everyday; but
    2. It will sap the energy out of you!

Your comments, replies, laughter and enjoyment were the things that kept me going, dear readers! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart! ;3

Now... I’m off to hibernate!

Oh, wait. Feed Bulu first! *hops away*

P.S: In case you're wondering about the phone...

Jan 11, 2012

PART 3: Last Christmas

The mystery continues to... wait what, it's Christmas?!

But... but... WHAT'S POE?!

Believe it or not, the answer IS coming up soon!
Very very soon!

Promise! :3

Jan 10, 2012

PART 2: Call To Action!

Bu... but who is POE?, you ask.

Don't tell me that this is the end?!

No, dear readers. This is not the end.

To Be Continued... again!

P.S: I don't think the next part will be anymore enlightening. XD

Jan 9, 2012

PART 1: The Call

Who is POE?
Why is Earth under attack?
Why is Bulu so cute?
Where the heck was I?!

Questions, questions, so many questions!

To be continued... IN PART 2!

Jan 5, 2012

PROLOGUE: I Tease You!


There's something big happening soon.

Watch this space.
